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Tags: block monitor, database, server, process list, locks, response time, resource usage, blocked processes, deadlocks, contention issues, monitor, alert, detect, host, program


SQL block monitor is historical blocking monitor tool for Microsoft SQL server. It creates live blocked process list of SPIDs being blocked, SQL involved in blocking and where locks are occurring. It provide drop zone window to display all server blocking status. User can forcibly kill connection or view the last SQL code executed of a process. Process blocking option shows information including SQL server process ID, workstation host name, blocked process ID, application program, process status, database, last executed SQL code causing block, etc. The software shows the history of blocked events in chart. It provides reports of host and program most frequently involved in blocking causing worst end user response times, using most CPU, memory and I/O resources. Database can be back up and restored by adding SQL server instance to SQL block monitor.

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