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Price: USD $9.95
File Size: 3900 Kb
Tags: hockey, airhockey, slapshot, slap, shot, puck, table


SlapShot is a fun, addictive twist on the classic Air-Hockey game. The gameplay is simple, easy to learn, yet tricky to master. Just as in real-air-hockey, the object is to score goals to win. You control the mallet/striker with the mouse. There are ten skill levels to master from beginner to expert. There are two game-play modes, "Classic", just like real air-hockey, and "Extreme" which has pickups. The pickups do various things, such as shrink or grow the mallets or goals, and splitting the puck into two pucks for some crazy mayhem. Classic games are up to 10 points, Extreme are up to 15 points. There are 5 different tables, each with a slightly different feel, faster, slower, bouncy walls, and different colorfull graphics. There is also a selection of mallets and pucks to play with. SlapShot can be played at Full-Screen, 640x480 window or 320x240 window resolution.

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