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Price: USD $127
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* It uses REAL money management, unlike the other junk out there. There are only a couple of user settings and they are very easy to set. We CARE about your money! * It can be 100% protected against piracy, hacking, spyware, malware, viruses and crashes—NO ONE else can make that claim. * Your EA can be HOSTED on a state-of-the-art Remote Access Service (RAS)—also known as a“VPS”– that is the only 100% web-based service currently available. * You are given access to a STP (Straight Through Processing) broker. STP means you get tight spreads and fast execution. Plus this broker will not trade AGAINST you like the dealing desk guys do. * You will get full support by phone, email, skype and support forum. Response time will be in minutes and not in days, weeks or NEVER! The support comes from REAL traders and the actual tech guys that MADE the robot! * Because we designed and made it, your Forex Harvester robot is EXCLUSIVE and not available anywhere else at any price! * Limited number of users gives you the best chance at making consistent monthly profits of 15-20% and more. The market will not be flooded, making the EA useless. * All future upgrades are at no charge. Best Forex Trading Software - Automatically Generate Your Trading Decisions When You Relax!

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