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Serial Port Data Collector
Serial port data analyzer is a program that is used for logging data received from serial ports to text file. Download Phone traffic record registration software ...

Com Port Monitor Software
... routers such as Cisco 2511 Terminal Server. Ethernet serial device operates as a telnet server allowing user to connect directly to remote serial port RS232 using TCP/IP connection. Serial communications software allows ...

Remote Access Management Software
Serial port data transfer software effectively accesses any COM-port equipments using Internet, LAN or any other TCP/IP connection. Remote serial port equipment manager transfer data received between serial-port both ...

Comport Manager Tool
Remote serial device manager software is an application that connects to remote host ... Terminal Server is running to collect data from TCP/IP port of remote computer and sends it to serial ports of local system. Remote device manager configuration settings sets ...

TCP/IP Data Logger
Serial transmission controller manager logs data received from RS232 or RS485 devices connected to TCP/IP network via serial interface terminal servers. A Terminal Server is a device that allows ... transmit status or alarm messages to local file. Serial port interfacing software configure local network system connection and connect ...


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