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Price: USD $29.99
File Size: 933 Kb
Tags: convert, documents, slideshow, image stamps, bookmarks, outlines, image resolution, batch file, animated, invert image, jpeg, tiff, keywords, permissions


Image to PDF desktop application automatically convert images using a command line or batch file interface. It creates slide show PDF document so that it automatically opens as full-screen slide show with different screen transitions. Images can be inverted and flipped horizontally and vertically. It sets preferred PDF viewer options including center window, hide toolbar, hide menu bar, hide window user interface, fit window, page mode none/outlines/thumbnails/full screen, page layout single page/one column/two column left/two column right. It sets PDF permissions to restrict printing, copying and modification. The conversion process is controlled through an easy to use and intuitive interface which saves all changes made so that user does not lose any work. Password protection feature can be applied to output PDF documents to restrict unauthorized access.

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