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Price: USD $35
File Size: 40300 Kb
Tags: design, education software, quiz designer, home entertainment, entertainment


QBuild is an Education/Entertainment software that allows you to design and play quizzes. With QBuild you can create quizzes containing simple text questions - True or False, Multiple Choice, or Single answer - , or questions featuring Pictures, Photographs, Sound, and even Video. You can then play your quiz on screen - PC Monitor, PC Projector, or TV Screen - using one of the four supplied Themes - Animals, Landscapes, Military, or Outer Space - or any Theme you designed yourself using one of the powerful QBuild Utilities. The quiz is displayed in the popular "jeopardy" style. QBuild can accomodate up to four players or teams and features an easy to use interface both in Create and Play modes. QBuild comes with an extensive on line manual and on line Help features. Try QBuild without any obligation. QBuild is "Shareware", not "Crippleware" or "Nagware". You can try the fully functional program for thirty days. Only register if it meets your needs.

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