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Price: USD $14.95
File Size: 1580 Kb
Tags: collapse, colaps, colour bricks, coloured blocks, order collapse, collapse game


Improved version of popular collapse game. You can choose your preferred game mode: when the blocks of colored cubes grow like stalagmites or fall down like stalactites. To prevent these cubes from filling the entire game screen you must burn blocks of three or more one-coloured cubes. Each further level demands you to be faster and faster. When cubes fill the entire game screen the game is over. So be attentive, quite accurate and as fast as you can. The more free space remains on the game screen when you pass the level, the more points you get. Additionally you can get bonuses for a good playing. Also you can use bombs - they help to destroy all cubes in a large radius rapidly and effectively. Game has really nice sound effects, but at your preference you can easily turn them off by clicking the button in the top left corner of the game window.

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